He hui taumata - Journeying towards a Tiriti-led, mātauranga informed Aotearoa


Public sector teams are on a collective journey towards a Tiriti-led, mātauranga Māori informed Aotearoa. This symposium created an opportunity to pause and reflect; How are we navigating these shifts? What are Crown agencies, teams and leaders grappling with in bringing a Te Tiriti, equity and complexity lens to their everyday mahi? What are the capabilities and conditions that need to be enabled? What does it look like from the perspectives of Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti?
This wānanga was attended by 230 people from across the motu, we spent four hours together grappling with how we as a public sector are navigating shifts toward a Tiriti-centric, mātauranga informed Aotearoa. In hosting this kōrero we acknowledge the on decades of work led by iwi Māori to advance this kaupapa and build on what feels like a growing acknowledgment by crown agencies of crown responsibilities.

This kōrero provided an opportunity to:

  • Connect with others grappling with this in Crown settings

  • Hear from other Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti around their experiences of this journey

  • Map our collective journey and consider what tohu were emerging

  • Identify what helps us navigate forward

Two teams shared some of their learning so far as a platform for a collective discussion:

Justine Pivac-Solomon (Hvartska/Eire (Koroātia/Aerani) and Te Miri Rangi (Tūwharetoa, Te Arawa) from the ACC Injury Prevention group shared some of their work around the Waka Hourua model of practice that is emerging from our learning partnership with them.

Tania Faulkner (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngaiterangi, Ngāpuhi descent) talked to her role in Tuitui te Hono - a Māori outcomes research programme in Inland Revenue. Tania shared on the work being undertaken through Te Mana Rangahau (the Māori Research team) and Te Kāhui Tūhono (the Māori strategy team). This work is specifically to support IR to be a good Treaty partner by articulating and implementing te ao Māori principles, concepts and practices in the mahi at Inland Revenue. Tania was joined by Dr Debbie Goodwin (Ngā Tūhoe, Te Whakatōhea) to help identify learnings.

The video recording of the Hui Taumata is available above. Below you can access a Visual Summary of what was shared and captured on the day. 
You can learn more about the Hautū Waka here

Visual Outputs

Resource Pack

Ngā mihi to:
Our MC and Facilitator
Angie Tangaere - The Lab
Donna Te Whiu - The Lab

Roimata Taniwha-Paoo - Hautu Waka
Justine Pivac-Solomon - ACC Injury Prevention group
Te Miri Rangi - ACC Injury Prevention group
Tania Faulkner - Inland Revenue Department
Dr Debbie Goodwin - Director, Evaluation Research at DBZ Consultancy Ltd

Keynote listeners
Kimi Tangaere - Counties Manukau Health
D’Arcy Dalzell - ACC Injury Prevention group
Shane Ta’ala - Te Tohu Rautaki Angitu Māori

Visual outputs
Dylan Culhane - illustrator, Visually
Holly Davies - Visual production

Hosting team
Jessica Trask - The Lab
Baruk Jacob - The Lab
Lee Ryan - The Lab
Penny Hagen - The Lab

Practice Foundations is a monthly public sector community of practice event hosted online by the Auckland Co-design Lab in collaboration. We have a shared interest in promoting and prioritising ethical whānau-centred and led design and innovation practice and the active involvement of community, families, whānau, aiga and rangatahi in wellbeing, design, decision-making and leadership. Write to aucklandcodesignlab@aklc.govt.nz to be added to the mailing list, or ask to be removed.