Practice Foundations: Hautū Waka

Our work is a deeply navigational practice, navigating the complexity of systems to build inter-generational equity and well-being. Much of our work is discovering the tools we need to navigate in indigenous practice, science, design…whatever works for what we need. Hautū Waka is a navigational framework rooted in mātauranga Māori and can be used as a tool to help us navigate complexity.

Roimata Taniwha-Paoo and Ayla Hoeta have been working to develop this Hautū Waka narrative and visuals, guided by Matua Rereata Makiha.



Practice Foundations is a monthly public sector community of practice event hosted online by the Auckland Co-design Lab in collaboration. We have a shared interest in promoting and prioritising ethical whānau-centred and led design and innovation practice and the active involvement of community, families, whānau, aiga and rangatahi in wellbeing, design, decision-making and leadership.